Bear Basia († 2015)
a life on concrete floor
Basia, together with Kasia, came to the BEAR SANCTUARY in June 2011 from the mini zoo in Lezno, Poland. She was born in 1983 and she, too, was kept in a concrete enclosure of 60 square meters, with neither veterinary care and suitable diet nor even a chance to take time out and relax. Basia knew nothing of bathing pools from her previous days of captivity. There was no chance to bathe - and even drinking water was supplied in a small, rusty metal bowl.

Basia in winter, 2012
Basia, together with Kasia, came to the BEAR SANCTUARY in June 2011 from the mini zoo in Lezno, Poland. She was born in 1983 and she, too, was kept in a concrete enclosure of 60 square meters, with neither veterinary care and suitable diet nor even a chance to take time out and relax. Basia knew nothing of bathing pools from her previous days of captivity. There was no chance to bathe - and even drinking water was supplied in a small, rusty metal bowl.
At the bear sanctuary, the bear lady loved it all the more to take long, unhurried baths in her cool pond or to enjoy the sun in her self-dug hollows.
Basia died in September 2015 at the age of 32. She suddenly seemed apathetic and stopped eating – the reason for this were infections in the liver and lymph nodes. With a heavy heart, the doctors and the BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz team decided to relieve Basia of her suffering.