Bear Bummi († 2013)
came with his daughter Tapsi to the sanctuary
Together with his daughter Tapsi, Bummi was brought to the BEAR SANCTUARY from the zoo in Klötze in June 2012. Although he suffered from arthrosis, the curious bear flourished and quickly learned to enjoy exploring the enclosure and having to seek out his feed. When playing with the enrichments. the aging bear became like a playful child again and showed his nervous daughter that the toys were not dangerous. Tapsi rarely left his side.

Bears Bummi and Tapsi
That winter, Bummi even dug himself a cave. When it collapsed, he didn‘t give up, just dug on industriously. In March 2013, he began to have difficulties walking and his condition deteriorated daily. Medication brought no results. A computer tomography, at the institute for zoo and wild animal research in Berlin, revealed an illness at an advanced stage which could no longer be treated. This diagnosis meant that Bummi had to be put to sleep at the age of 27.