Bear Clara († 2022)
Nervous and easily frightened bear
Arrival together with mother and sister
Brown bear Clara arrived together with her mother Mary and her sister Sonja (1992-2014) at our bear protection center. Before, they lived in a zoological garden in Mönchengladbach, Germany. The three bear ladies needed a while and had a few arguments until they fully and got used to the new surroundings.
After her arrival at our sanctuary, Clara shared her enclosure with Mary. They usually got along with each other but there were little fights between mother and daughter from time to time. Thanks to the big enclosure the bears had enough space to keep out of each other's way or in the case of an argument.
In June 2019, both bears were socialised with Sindi. Unfortunetaly her mother Mary passed away in 2020. After Clara's emergency surgery in 2021, the old bear lady lived contently alone in her big enclosure.
In 2021, a cancer tumor was surgically removed from the bear. Although Clara recovered well from the surgery, she stopped eating again by the end of the year. At the beginning of 2022, she ended her hibernation early and had to be put down due to several stomach tumors.

Clara enjoys a watermelon.
Changing fur color
Clara's fur changes its color depending on the season. In summer, it is pretty bright and blond, when fall approaches, it gets darker. The bear lady was born in 1992 and when she first arrived at our sanctuary she was often frightened and easily stressed. But after a while her self-confidence got bigger and she started to enjoy her new home. Clara was a sensitive bear who likes to take a bath in the lake.
Facts about Clara
- I came from: Zoo Mönchengladbach
- I liked to eat: Honey, grapes
- I had: bright fur in summer that got darker in the winter
- What the caretakers said about me: Clara liked to withdraw into the woods. She was keen on learning new things even if it often took her a little while.