Bear Lothar († 2019)
first bear at our sanctuary
Lothar was born 1990 in Torgau. That same year, he and his two siblings were offered as a present to a garden show in South of Germany. The three bear cubs spent the summer living in a cage in the petting zoo area and once the show came to an end, the Black Forest Zoo Löffingen in South of Germany took the three in. Their cage was very small, surrounded by walls and with concrete floor. The bears never had the chance to experience their natural instincts. In 2006, Sindi and Lothar were finally brought to our BEAR SANCTUARY. Lothar was the first bear at our sanctuary, with his arrival we inaugurated the park.

Sindi and Lothar in the water
As his sister Sindi, Lothar had a white spot on the right side on his neck. Especially his dis-tinctive eye bulges and his strong neck muscle were conspicuous, but Lothar was not really that dark. Very quickly he lost his shyness and turned into an open-minded and curious bear full of self-confidence. Taking a bath and eating were Lothar‘s favourite activities. He had a particular liking for nuts, honey and tomatoes. He liked to dig hollows and makes himself comfortable in it.
In April 2019, we had to say good-bye to Lothar with a heavy heart. Since the end of hiber-nation, he was having health issues, an examination at IZW berlin revealed a slipped disc, problems with his bladder and arthrosis in his hip joint. Due to his high age and his general health status there was unfortunately no hope of improvement. As the first rescued bear, Lothar leaves a big gap at our BEAR SANCTUARY. We will always remember him.