Which bear are you
Take the test and find out which of the BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz bears you're most similar to!
Personality Test
Choose the answer that best applies to you
Question - of -
1. Finally a weekend without obligations. Are you ...
An early bird
A late riser
A night owl
An advocate of afternoon naps
2. How do you like to spend your free time?
Sports and excercise
Preferably relaxed
With friends or family
Preferably in nature, for example gardening
3. How would your friends describe you?
Sporty and playful
Intelligent and funny
Confident and fearless
Quiet and friendly
4. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Bread with ham or cheese
Avocado and hummus toast
Doesn't matter as long as it is sweet. Like honey or homemade jam.
Team croissant, preferably still warm and straight from France
5. Which vacation would you choose?
Snorkeling, diving, sailing... water sports are exactly my thing!
Staycation - home is were I relax best
Sightseeing and culture on a city trip
A camping trip in nature
6. What's most important to you?
Friendship and contact
Freedom and independence
Peace and structure
Fun and action
7. What would be your dream job?
Something musical or creative
Something with craftsmanship
Anything where you can work from home
When I grow up, I want to be a princess
8. How would you describe your social life?
Life of the party!
I don't mind having time to myself sometimes
A small, but handpicked group of friends
Family person
9. Time for a snack. What do you choose?
Decadent ice bomb
Healthy nuts
Tender meat
Fresh fruit
10. Where would your dream home be:
In a secluded place in nature
In a busy place with lots of activity and friends
In a comfortable place where I can relax
In an adventurous and ever-changing environment
Bear Balou
Just like Balou, you are creative and excellent at solving problems. The big bear even managed to open carabiners so he could take his favorite toy into the pool. Otherwise, he enjoys watching the visitors go by and is happy about every treat he can find.

Bear Ben
Our Ben has a real sweet tooth. When he's not looking for a treat, he loves to run around in the forest with his brother and enjoy his freedom. He can be distinguished from his brother by the notch in his right ear.

Bear Dasha
You're like Dasha: new situations make you curious, and with your people behind you, nothing can happen to you. Dasha has a very close relationship with her sister Lelya. When she's not digging up the forest, she likes to climb a tree to survey the situation from there.
Bear Dushi
You are like our Dushi: confident and interested. Despite her limitations, the three-legged bear is always happy to be there and keeps an eye on what's going on around her. With her light face and habit of standing on her hind legs, she is the subject of many photos.

Bear Felix
Like Felix, you love doing things with friends. Whether frolicking in the water with his brother or exploring the forest, Felix is always on the move - and especially enjoys doing so with his brother Ben. Aside from that, he is a patient and relaxed bear with a strong wanderlust.

Bear Ida
You are like our little bear Ida. Ida knows what she wants and shows it clearly if she doesn't like something. She is a bear with a big personality who values her independence. She particularly enjoys eating the dandelions in her enclosure and collects the yellow delicacies from even the most remote corners of the forest.

Bear Lelya
Like Lelya, you like to be surrounded by your people. Her sister Dasha can always count on Lelya to have her back. She also knows exactly which delicacies she particularly likes - but she is less picky when it comes to digging in the forest and works according to the motto: Twice is better than once!

Bear Luna
Our sweet Luna is very reserved when she is in a new situation. But if she feels comfortable, she really blossoms. In those moments you can watch her using the young trees in the enclosure as exercise equipment or thoroughly enjoying the treats from her enrichments.

Bear Mascha
Masha is our resolute bear elder. Just like Masha, you know what you want and how to achieve it.
She likes to take it easy and doesn't let small obstacles bother her. In 2023 she also won the marchnapness-title among all FOUR PAWS bears: She woke up last from her hibernation!

Bear Michal
Just like Michal, you seem calm and composed, but you can also really get going when the opportunity to play arises.
With his enormous strength he can easily move branches and obstacles. Apart from that, this gentle giant loves to get really comfortable, as you can see!

Bear Pavle
Like Pavle, you are a connoisseur. The little bear loves the quiet things in life: all kinds of treats, just as much as lying comfortably in the sun and sleeping. But that doesn't stop him from play-fighting in the forest with his sister whenever the opportunity arises.

Bear Rocco
Sitting still? Far from it. Just like Rocco, you like to be on the move. Rocco particularly likes to measure his strength on tree trunks in his enclosure. If something takes too long for him, he quickly becomes frustrated, but his motivation peaks when he can try out new toys and roughhouse.

Bear Sylvia
Like Sylvia, you are brave and take care of those you care about. Sylvia has a strong protective instinct towards her brother Pavle and always makes sure that everything has its structure and order. The two are inseparable and even hibernate together. Even though she's missing a paw, she enjoys roughhousing with her brother.